Time: January 18, 2010 at 5:30pm to January 20, 2010 at 8pm
Location: Marian House
Street: 14 West Bijou Street
City/Town: Colorado Springs, Colorado
Website or Map: http://www.ppjpc.org
Phone: (719) 632-6189 (Steve - contact)
Event Type: informational, and, planning
Organized By: Catholic Charities, Keep Colorado Springs Beautiful, and Homeward Pikes Peak
Latest Activity: Jan 11, 2010
Week of Jan. 11, 2010
The Justice & Peace eWeekly is a weekly survey of upcoming events, local news and activism opportunities. Feel free to forward this to anyone you know who might be interested.
J&P organizing public forum on homeless camping
Homeless people are camping on public land in record numbers and the public outpouring of compassion is unprecedented. The city of Colorado Springs is considering a No-Camping Ordinance - but where will the campers go? What's the long-term solution?
The entire community is invited to "come out of the cold" at a public forum, Jan. 18 & 20 (5:30-8 p.m. each night) at the Marian House, 14 W. Bijou St. Our goal is to create a unified vision to help our homeless neighbors. We will discuss the issues raised by homeless camps and the proposed No-Camping Ordinance, as well as solutions to our inadequate shelter capacity and outreach. Co-sponsored by Catholic Charities, Keep Colorado Springs Beautiful and Homeward Pikes Peak. For more information, contact Steve at (719) 632-6189 or econjustice@ppjpc.org.
Dr. King's Dream of Equality, Social Justice & Peace
The J&P, in partnership with the Colorado Springs Branch NAACP and Colorado Springs Diversity Forum, invites the community to celebrate the national Martin Luther King Jr. holiday with an All People's Breakfast at 8 a.m. on Jan. 18 at Colorado College's Worner Center. Recognizing that Dr. King preached about justice and nonviolence as well as civil rights, the theme will be "Dr. King's Dream of Equality, Justice and Peace." Keynote speaker former Manitou Springs Mayor Eric Drummond will be joined by diverse readers and Rev. Dennis Mose & Friends. Tickets are $7 in advance or at the door. To RSVP, get more information or join the event team, contact Steve at dynamic@ppjpc.org.
Bridges Out of Poverty
Wednesdays, Jan. 13-March 3
First Presbyterian Church, 6:30-8 p.m.
219 E. Bijou St., Room 210
Bridges Out of Poverty is an 8-week training course that helps us understand what poverty does to human beings, what they experience, and how we can be in meaningful relationships without doing harm. We will learn about the hidden rules, differences in language usage, and support systems in poverty, middle class and wealth, thereby equipping us in our efforts to be good neighbors. For questions, call Michelle at (719) 884-6111. To sign up, visit www.first-pres.org/servelocal.
An Evening with Catholic Social Teaching
Friday, Jan. 15
Sacred Heart gym, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
2021 W. Pikes Peak Ave.
Join the JustFaith community for BYO dinner and discussion of Catholic Social Teaching. This is the fifth in a monthly series with J&Per Paula Carole reflecting on "Rights and Responsibilities." For more information, call (719) 633-8711.
MLK Jr. Holiday March & Celebration
Saturday, Jan. 16
Colorado College Armstrong Hall, 3:15-6 p.m.
14 E. Cache La Poudre St.
Speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives Terrance Carroll will headline the annual event featuring inspirational choirs, speakers and presenters. Participants will march from Armstrong Hall around Colorado College after Carroll's address.
Check out our current calendar
Kathy Kelly Workshop Team: Kathy Kelly, co-founder of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, will conduct a Feb. 6 workshop on her national "Peaceable Assembly Campaign." We need a team to help plan and publicize the event. To help out, contact Steve at dynamic@ppjpc.org.
Please visit our Web page at www.ppjpc.org
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